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Archetypal and Mythological Divination

“Myth is the natural and indispensable intermediate stage between unconscious and conscious cognition.”

~ Carl Jung

“Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.”

~ Joseph Campbell

I have always been fascinated by the world of Folklore and Mythology, especially Greek Mythology.

In these fascinating sessions, We align Archetypes and Mythology with Storytelling to help you to identify where you are in your life during this particular time. We will identify Archytpes that are directly influencing your life, your decisions and the direction in which you are choosing.

These stories have the power to change our lives. Along with Myth, Metaphor and Symbology, these sessions will take you deeper into your psyche to unveil those mysteries from deep within.

Explore the realms of the Mysterious and Mystical to expand your everyday life.

What you will gain from these sessions:

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