During this two day retreat, you will be introduced to various techniques, meditations, shamanic and soul journeys that will move you through the portal of possibilities, expand your horizons and take you into higher states of consciousness. When you explore your inner journey and trek through the landscape of your soul, you begin to shape your outer journey by removing old weeds, you give space for the flowers to blossom in reflection of the greatest expression of your soul. You will be ready to enter a new gate into being.

Here are some of the areas that we will explore:
- Heighten your Intuition through Shamanic Divination
- Identifying the many Masks you Wear The Hall of Mirrors – the Inner and Outer Reflections
- Dissolving of the False Self to bring you back to your own Authenticity
- Identify Self Sabotage and clear away Old Paradigms
- Ancestral and Generational Healing
- Renegotiating Soul Contracts
- Lifting the Veil into Your True Identity
- Trance Dance into Body Wisdom
- A Date with Destiny – Discover Your Hidden Treasure Map
- Receive Wisdom from your Spirit Allies (Master guides, Power Animals and Spirit guides)
- Living in Ceremony with Sacred Intention
- Entering the Temple of Love Re-igniting the Fire Within to meet your Future Self and move into Ecstatic states of Joy